Friday , September 20, 2024

Search Results for: digital identity

TrueMe ID Is a Precursor to Online Payments, Pay By Touch Says

Pay By Touch Inc., which on Monday introduced a new, personal-computer-based authentication service based on fingerprint identification, plans to couple the new service with online payments and loyalty programs some time in the first half of 2007. The new product, called TrueMe, relies on the San Francisco company's technology, along …

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PayPal Exec Says eBay Ban Against Google Checkout Is ‘Overplayed’

When online auction giant eBay Inc. barred Google Checkout from its marketplace, the move led to widespread industry speculation that eBay, which owns rival online payment processor PayPal, was discriminating against the weeks-old Google Inc. payment product. But a PayPal executive tells Digital Transactions News eBay's action had nothing to …

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FFIEC Clarifies Authentication Guidance, Gets Tough on Deadline

Seeking to address industry uncertainty about its guidelines on online-banking security, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council this week released a set of clarifications it says addresses “a representation” of questions it has received from banks, technology companies, and banking examiners. This latest document from the FFIEC, an agency that …

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Unfazed by eBay’s Ban, Google Eyes PayPal, Other Payment Methods

Ebay Inc.'s decision to bar Google Inc.'s new payment product from its massive online auction site doesn't seem to faze the online search company. Indeed, the executive in charge of Google Checkout, which debuted less than two weeks ago (Digital Transactions News, June 29), tells Digital Transactions News Google has …

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How EMC Counts on Mounting Demand for RSA’s Security Products

In the digital world, data storage and security command separate realms?companies that dominate e-storage typically have had little or no presence in the information-security industry, and vice-versa. That's about to change, however, if the nearly $2.1 billion acquisition of prominent data-protection firm RSA Security Inc. by electronic information-storage giant EMC …

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Pressure Builds in Congress To Address Data-Security Breaches

With the loss or theft of computerized personal information making headlines almost daily, lawmakers are scrambling for solutions for what is shaping up to be the 21st Century's hottest non-violent crime. More than a dozen bills that would put new requirements on banks and other entities with access to sensitive …

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Wachovia Exposes Latest Card Fraud, But More Banks Likely Ensnared

Wachovia Corp., some of whose debit card holders have been victimized by a data breach that happened several months ago, began sending notices and replacement cards to those customers recently because it began to see signs of fraud after months of monitoring the accounts, the bank says. Although Wachovia's action …

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Seven Are Nabbed in Big PIN Hack Case, with More Arrests Coming

Authorities nabbed seven individuals this week as part of the U.S. Secret Service's newly disclosed Operation Rolling Stone undercover effort against cybercrime and payment card fraud, and more arrests are expected, a Secret Service spokesperson tells Digital Transactions News. Though the Secret Service is being cautious about releasing details of …

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Corillian Integrates Strong Authentication in Software, Services

With identify fraud posing a serious challenge to online bankers and merchants, technology vendors are starting to respond with hardware- and software-based solutions offering so-called strong authentication, which adds a second factor of identity to the standard user-name/password pair. Now Corillian Corp. has launched a product it says is the …

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Card-Data Thefts Increase Jitters Among Online Consumers

The steady drumbeat of card-data breaches is a major factor causing rising anxiety among consumers who use the Internet for shopping and other financial transactions, the Conference Board reported today. In a quarterly survey of 10,000 households sponsored by the New York-based business organization, 13% of all online consumers say …

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