Thursday , September 19, 2024

Search Results for: Stripe Inc.

Visa Teams up with Samsung And Roam To Develop Mobile Payments

Visa Inc. is teaming up with the hot smart-phone manufacturer Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. to kick-start the market for near-field communication (NFC) payments, and it’s also got a deal with technology provider Roam to develop mobile payments. Under an agreement with South Korea-based Samsung that Visa announced Monday, banks and …

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PCI Council Releases Mobile-Acceptance Guidance, But No Word on Certification of Apps

  The PCI Security Standards Council on Thursday released yet another set of data-protection guidelines for mobile payments, this one aimed at merchants using smart phones and tablet computers to accept credit and debit cards. Although it touches on many points, the guidance especially focuses on the software running on …

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Criminals Are Increasingly Targeting E-Commerce And Mobile Devices, Study Finds

  Fraudsters are turning their attention to e-commerce sites, continuing to improve the malware they use to find and harvest payment card data, and sensing opportunity in mobile devices, according to the latest annual data-breach report by Trustwave Holdings Inc. Chicago-based Trustwave, a leading data-forensics investigator and security vendor, based …

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Acquiring: Far From the Tipping Point

Peter Lucas The card networks’ gambit to rapidly accelerate EMV terminal rollout by waiving PCI compliance reporting for merchants is falling short. Sometimes what looks to be a great deal is not all it’s cracked up to be. Offers by the payment card networks to accelerate the U.S. deployment of …

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In an Open Letter, Debit Networks Reject MasterCard’s EMV-Durbin Solution

  It took less than two weeks for the Secure Remote Payment Council (SRPc), a consortium of U.S. electronic funds transfer networks, to reject MasterCard Inc.’s offer for EFT networks to use its proprietary Maestro application identifier (AID) to allow processors to route EMV debit transactions according to network choices …

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The Digital Transactions News Top 10 Stories of 2012

As we prepare to close out 2012, we thought we’d look back at the year’s major developments and pinpoint the ones that generated our biggest news stories. Here’s our list, arranged chronologically. Not surprisingly, given the events of the year in electronic payments, the list is dominated by mobile-payments and …

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As EMV-Debit-Durbin Problem Festers, a Solution May Be on Its Way

A knotty problem involving the EMV chip card standard, debit card transaction routing, and the Durbin Amendment may take a crucial step toward resolution next month when the country’s two largest card networks are expected to indicate whether they will support a potential solution proposed by a debit-network group, according …

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VeriFone To Exit Acquiring for Mobile Merchants; Will Revert to Tech-Supplier Role

Seven months after VeriFone Systems Inc. launched Sail, its mobile-payments platform for micro-merchants, the San Jose-based point-of-sale terminal maker and payments software provider is stepping back from its role as an acquirer for Sail merchants and will instead revert to its traditional role of solutions provider. The announcement from chief …

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Acquiring: Stumbling Blocks on the Migration Path

Jane Adler With an April deadline looming, industry observers’ doubts are growing that merchant processors will be ready to handle EMV transactions. Nothing inspires like a deadline. Just ask the merchant acquirers and processors that face a quickly approaching April deadline to be ready to process EMV or chip card …

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Holding Patents on Mobile Acceptance, a Small Firm Won’t Rule out ‘Legal Remedies’

With a pair of U.S patents in hand, a small, Montreal-based engineering firm may have placed itself in a position to strongly influence the fast-growing market for mobile card acceptance. The patents, awarded last month to AnywhereCommerce, cover payments via a dongle connected to a mobile device’s audio jack, a …

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Digital Transactions