Thursday , September 19, 2024

Search Results for: common aid

Cover Story: The 10 Most Pressing Issues in E-Payments

Some dragons are harder to slay than others, and a few are fire-breathing. Here’s our annual look at the industry’s fiercest beasts, this time ranging from the endless war over interchange to eager-beaver regulators to the woes of digital currency. By John Stewart and Jim Daly If payments were easy, …

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Debit Networks Offer EMV Compromise That Would Allow Visa, MasterCard Apps

A trade group representing most of the nation’s debit networks has agreed to allow EMV applications other than its own to work on chip cards in the United States. The new position taken by the Secure Remote Payment Council represents what the group calls a “major compromise” and opens the …

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New Consensus on Debit Routing Removes EMV Obstacle But Leaves Timing Unclear

The payments industry may have solved a vexing problem related to EMV chip cards and the Dodd-Frank Act’s Durbin Amendment, but whether that solution will smooth the way for EMV (Europay-MasterCard-Visa) deployment in the United States is less clear. The EMV Migration Forum, an industry group that has been working …

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Cover Story: Durbinizing EMV

Everyone agrees EMV cards must comply with federal law. Trouble is, nobody can agree on how to make that happen. Meanwhile, a key EMV readiness deadline looms. By Peter Lucas This is no time for the payments industry to be arguing over how to route EMV debit transactions, what with …

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In an Open Letter, Debit Networks Reject MasterCard’s EMV-Durbin Solution

  It took less than two weeks for the Secure Remote Payment Council (SRPc), a consortium of U.S. electronic funds transfer networks, to reject MasterCard Inc.’s offer for EFT networks to use its proprietary Maestro application identifier (AID) to allow processors to route EMV debit transactions according to network choices …

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MasterCard Proposes a Durbin Solution for EMV, But Will EFT Execs Buy It?

MasterCard Inc. on Friday proposed a solution that it says would allow merchant acquirers to route EMV debit transactions in compliance with a federal law mandating that merchants have a choice of networks. Under the proposal, MasterCard would open a proprietary application identifier (AID) associated with its Maestro brand to …

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The Electronic Payments Coalition Weighs in on a Lawsuit Challenging Illinois’s Interchange Law

The Electronic Payments Coalition late Wednesday filed an Amicus brief on behalf of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging the Illinois Interchange Fee Prohibition Act. The lawsuit, brought by Illinois Bankers Association, Illinois Credit Union League, American Bankers Association, and America’s Credit Unions and filed last month in the United …

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The Prairie State’s National Challenge

What happens in Illinois won’t stay in Illinois, whose new law exempting merchants from card interchange on sales tax and tips poses a whole host of technical and operational questions for processors nationwide. Bills that would exempt merchants from paying interchange on sales tax for credit card purchases have been …

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Apple’s Big Move

The iPhone maker will finally allow developers to access the device’s NFC chip and secure element. Will this trigger a payments bonanza in Cupertino? Ten years after the first iPhone with an NFC chip to enable Apple Pay launched, Apple is opening access to the chip to third-party developers. Apple …

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As EV Charging Stations Spread, BlueSnap Links With EV Connect for Payments Processing

The number of public charging stations for electric vehicles has nearly doubled over the past five years to more than 61,000, and that’s leading some major payments platforms to view these venues as an increasingly important market. In the latest development, EV Connect, a business-service provider for these stations, has …

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Digital Transactions