Monday , September 16, 2024

Visa Logs Busiest Weekend Yet for This Year’s Holiday Season

Visa U.S.A. says spending on its cards over the past weekend was the strongest yet seen this holiday shopping season, exceeding spending during the so-called Black Friday weekend after Thanksgiving by 15%. Indeed, Black Friday itself now ranks third in Visa spending, behind the volume reached this past Friday and Saturday. Volume on Black Friday was $4.14 billion, while Friday's spending hit $4.25 billion and Saturday's reached $4.16 billion. Visa, which is releasing weekly card statistics during the Nov. 1 to Jan. 3 period, also says spending last week, $26.7 billion, exceeded that of the same week a year ago by 16%. Visa's volume in the e-commerce channel, meanwhile, was $2.72 billion last week, just over 10% of total Visa volume for the week and an increase of nearly one-third over the same week in 2003. E-commerce transactions jumped 26% for Visa over the year-ago week, totaling 33.7 million. A separate study release last week by CyberSource Corp., a transaction gateway for e-commerce merchants, predicted that transaction volume for the holiday season would peak tomorrow, Dec. 14 (Digital Transactions News, Dec. 10).

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