Tuesday , March 25, 2025

Wise’s Cross-Border Hopes And Other Digital Transactions News briefs from 9/18/23

  • Wise Transfer Ltd., a developer of software for cross-border transfers, announced its Wise Platform will complete transactions initiated through the Swift international payments platform at the option of financial institutions.
  • In related news, IBM Corp. announced its IBM Payments Center, a software-development unit, has joined the Swift Partner Program, gaining access to more than 11,000 institutions across more than 200 countries.
  • Capacity restraints in software development have clipped banks’ payments revenues by 5% over the past two years, according to research from Celent, which surveyed 74 major banks in North America and Europe this spring and summer.
  • The global payments standards body EMVCo has formed a task force to investigate how EMV technology can be used in payments for electric-vehicle charging. EMV specifications cover such payments processes as mobile QR codes and contactless and contact transactions with chip cards.

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